Informed consent

Question on the quality of informed consent is in the news usually with an attention-grabbing headline such as pelvic exam of women under anesthesia. In reality, informed consent is intergral to the patient experience, especially on elective procedures performed by the hospital which may cause billing disputes. End-of-life procedures, detoxification procedures done with the consent of relatives, surgery done by doctors with the aid of students, done by students with the aid of doctors etc. all require a robust informed consent process.

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Three parts of informed consent

Disclosure of information
Complete communication of the risks and benefits, and in case of elected procedures, the alternate measures available to the patient.
Competency of the patient
Competency of the patient (or surrogate) to understand what is being said. (Language and level of detail taken into account) and if the patient is not capable of making the decision, determining the right person to make that decision.
Voluntary nature of the decision
Ensure there is no duress when the decision is being made and that adequate time is provided to the patient (E.g. before surgery).

Legitts solution


Our solution is a 3-in-1 solution ( it captures on video when the doctor shares the risk and benefits with the patient. The video also captures the competency of the patient to make a decision and his/her consent all neatly bundled into a QR code + signature that can be printed out).


It is reliable because we are built on a bed of reliable technology services like AWS cloud, google, and well-known technology companies. We are HIPAA compliant.


Creating a link with one click and sending it by any communication tool (text, email, WhatsApp, signal, etc.) is easy. It creates minimum disruption to existing processes. Easy integration and/or embed code options make it quick to deploy (We are API enabled).
“Informed consent is not just the signing of a form. Informed consent is about a thorough process of communication between patient and provider.”
Aaron Fink —  MD, Emory University School of Medicine

The fast way to get informed consent from patients

Capturing a doctor’s explanation and voluntary consent improves the patient's experience. Reading pages of documents is not only impersonal but time-consuming. The legitt process is personal and saves time. Legitt makes it easier to get informed consent in 3 easy steps.

Checklist of basic questions to ask yourself

Wondering about upgrading your informed consent and making your patient experience better.
Is your informed consent process currently being used adequate? Think in terms of
1. Speed
2. Convenience
3. Compliance with HIPAA regulations
Is your informed consent nice to have or mandatory? Think in terms of
1. Is it strictly a moral obligation?

2. Are you opening up to legal risk if you don't upgrade the process.

3. Have the current processes helped in limiting the legal risks?

4. Will this give you a competitive advantage in terms of patient experience?
What is the balance between big picture and details as far as informing the patient? Think in terms of
1. What needs to be explained to the patient verbally and what are the details to be included in the paperwork?

2. Voluntary nature of consent and current state of patient?

3. Details that the patient needs to explain when exception occurs ( E.g. if the patient discloses that he had previous surgery , will the follow up discussions be captured as part of consent)
Is the informed consent process burdensome? Think in terms of
1. Additional technology improvements and upgrades that are needed to incorporate new processes.

2. Does this add more complexity or does it simplify?
What are some of the time sinks that happen due to informed consent? Think in terms of
1. Notice time for surgery patients.

2. Time taken by patients to fill out forms once they are in the hospital.
Should one consider a start-up or an established company? Think in terms of
1. Cloud based SaaS solution vs. on premise solution.

2.Which one requires little or no support?

3. Can it be easily integrated with the current process?

4. Minimal change in the user behaviour of patients.

5. Latest technology stack or legacy software which is likely to become outdated soon?

6. Asynchronous communication with patient and multiple platforms ( e.g Can you send a text /email /WhatsApp and get consent so you don’t have to get everyone to the same place at the same time)

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