Fraud Detection

Legitt is not just a digital signature platform, it is also an effective tool for fraud detection. By using video recordings, Legitt can provide an additional layer of security to identify potential fraudulent behavior during the signing process. The video recordings can capture important information such as the identity of the signers, their behavior during the signing process, and their agreement to the terms and conditions of the document. This information can be analyzed to detect any signs of fraud, such as coercion or misrepresentation, and can be used as evidence in legal proceedings if necessary. Legitt's fraud detection capabilities provide peace of mind for businesses and individuals, ensuring that their contracts and agreements are not compromised by fraudulent behavior.

No credit card required

Benefits with using Legitt

Early Detection
Legitt's video-based signatures can help identify potential fraudulent behavior early on in the signing process, allowing businesses and individuals to take action before any damage is done.
Improved Security
Legitt's video-based signatures can help identify potential fraudulent behavior early on in the signing process, allowing businesses and individuals to take action before any damage is done.
Evidence Gathering
The video recordings captured by Legitt can serve as valuable evidence in legal proceedings, helping to prove or disprove claims of fraudulent behavior. Increased accountability: Legitt's video-based signatures can increase accountability among signers, discouraging fraudulent behavior and encouraging honest and ethical conduct.

Legitts solution


Our solution is a 3-in-1 solution ( it captures on video the agreement between two parties.)


It is reliable because we are built on a bed of reliable technology services like AWS cloud, google, and well-known technology companies.


Creating a link with one click and sending it by any communication tool (text, email, WhatsApp, signal, etc.)
"With Legitt's advanced technology, we have been able to identify potential fraudsters by analyzing the unique video signatures they create"
—  Banking Company 

Other uses from our customers

Video Reviews

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Informed Consent

Quickly get informed consent from patients without added paperwork.

Lending money

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