API Access

Legitt is the pioneer of video verified approval platform. By using the Legitt API, you will exercise the full power of your legitts through automated link creation and tracking legitts for the link responses.

What you need to get started.

1. Product knowledge
Check out our explainer video and FAQs for basics. The two most common words in our terminology are links(uplink created for requesting consent/approval/signature) and legitts (respones recorded using audio/video stream).
2. Legitt account
Sign Up to create a legitt account.
3. Request for access token
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
You should use this token in your request's authorization header for all the API. Here is an example: authorization: {token}


1. Create your up-link request
POST https://legitt.online/apikey/createlink
E-mail/Phone of registered user account to be passed in here. Check our explainer video/FAQs to learn about the other option fields.
2. Get Legitts received for the link